Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mawage, that Bwessed Awangement

We somehow managed to get crazy busy again, but I do have some nice stories to share.

Kieran has been oddly focused on being married. For awhile he would ask, in a sing-song voice "Will you maaarrrry me?" to which I would respond that I was already married. This did not deter him. (He is going to hate this blog when he's older and I can show this to potential mates). He would keep asking, and after awhile just break down into laughter. Not entirely sure what's funny, but hey - I like laughing Kieran.

We also had a talk about laws and marriage being two boys, two girls or a boy and a girl, like me and Ken. We hadn't talked about this in a few months when Kieran came to me and told me he's decided that he wants to marry a girl, not a boy. I said that's fine so long as he's happy. Then he got very sad aid said he did not think he would ever find someone to marry because he hasn't met them yet. I looked at him. "You're six." I said. He nodded. "Do you know how old I was when I met your dad?" Shake of head. "Eighteen." His eyes got big, disbelieving. "You've got plenty of time, kiddo."

And then he asked me if I heard him fart.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Stories of Parenthood

Amelia learned two new words this week. "Necklace" and "Boobs".

Amelia has been very into jewelry, and loves Ms. Thelma (director of her center) who wears some wonderful necklaces. She had been playing with Ms. Thelma's necklace (and saying "necklace") when she grabbed the edge of Thelma's shirt and pulled. Thelma put her shirt down and said "No, Amelia, that's not the necklace, those are the boobs." At which point Mia looked at her, smiled and said, clear as day "Boobs!".

Both of us laughed. Thankfully she has yet to say that again. Though I'm certain she will.

Another story - this morning...
Ken had to go to court this morning so he left at 6:30. That was fine, I had packed the kids up last night so I didn't have to rush around this morning. Getting Kieran going is harder and harder but once he's underway he's fine.

Kieran is upstairs getting dressed and Devin pads into the kitchen and heads to the back door. I assume he needs to go out, so I yell up to Kieran that Mia and I are taking Devin out front and we'll be right back. Once he acknowledges me, I take Amelia's hand and walk to the door. As we get closer I start to smell something. I'm praying Devin just did a mean fart. I look down - no joy. He's pooped and Mia's already walked through it.

I grab Amelia, put her down in the kitchen and take her shoe off (happily just one shoe, not both). She's good and sits quietly waiting for me to finish. I clean up all the poop (and there is a LOT of it), clean off her shoe best I can, then realize that not only is her shoe no good for the day, but now my clothes are also ruined as she put her foot on my side.

I've decided to consider this a funny story. Hope you think so too.

Friday, February 08, 2013

Too Much Personality

Kieran and Amelia are big on personality. No idea how that happened. I'm meek as a kitten, I swear.

Some funny things have happened lately (like Kieran telling Mia to clean his room when put in charge), so I figured I'd share.

Kieran likes poop jokes. And fart jokes. And saying the word 'butt'. I can't lie... it's funny. So, when I have an opportunity, I share some of the blog Crappy Pictures. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend. Recently, she had a post about her sons making up a 'butt' song and various other items of mischief. Kieran, of course, thinks it's very funny. He also giggles just at saying "crappy pictures" because he knows what 'crap' means.

Mia is starting to get vocal. Her favorite words are 'no' and 'mine'. Yeah, she's going to be fun during her 'terrible twos' phase (which, as I recall wasn't as bad as age 3). She was mean to a classmate yesterday and was told "No!" (which she hates). Her caregiver said that after that happened, Amelia wouldn't 'talk' to her. When I asked if she wanted to say goodbye, she hid her face in my shoulder and pretended she could not see Miss Chervin.

Handful! OK, gotta jet.