Monday, February 19, 2007

Tales of Parenting

I have a couple of stories about my new role - none of which include the fact that I am typing while holding my child because he refuses to be put down yet.

So - story number one is the first real poop experience. During Kieran's second week home he hadn't pooped in several days. We were getting worried. Then, as luck would have it he had an EXPLOSIVE episode. And I mean explosive - so much so that his diaper came off. It was simply impressive that he could evacuate that much that forcefully for one so small. I say that I probably didn't put the diaper on right - but Ken says that's not as funny.

The other story number involves my ability to try and have my son sleep in his crib. He is somewhat averse to being put down (loves to be held, this Kieran of mine) - did I mention the typing while holding him? Anyway - Ken and I are on shifts during the evening. Ken takes from 10 pm until 3 am and I take 3 am until 8 am (at which point I generally fall asleep for an additional two hours thanks to my wonderful husband). Anyway - the other night Ken had closed the door to our bedroom to sleep a little bit better (less noise) so when I crept back to bed at 4 am (with the monitor on, Kieran had finally let me lay him down in his crib) I closed the door behind me, but it doesn't close all the way. I was asleep in minutes. At 4:30 I was awakened by Kieran crying. I rushed out of bed and literally ran into the door! I think I have a faint bruise above my eye right now from it. I was worried I cracked my glasses (I didn't). Ken is worried that at my doctor's appointment tomorrow they're going to think he beats me because if they ask how I got this bruise on my forehead I have to be honest - I ran into a door. Hopefully they'll be understanding to the sleep-deprived new mom.

So, such are my new mom stories. I hope I have been entertaining. Hope all is well and I hope to see all of you at the naming and/or Oneg.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

O, the Doctors You'll See

Our 2 week pediatrican appointment went well - Kieran gained weight (6 lbs, 5.6 oz) and grew 1/4 of an inch. He had no shots and did one test, which I'm assuming is OK because they didn't call us to tell us anything was wrong. The doctor said they hope that by the 2 week appointment that a child has regained his or her birth weight and since Kieran did that and then some, he was right on track.

Since then, Ken and I had our first "new parents" freak. Kieran has been very snorty, somewhat congested. So we called the pediatrician about it yesterday. They said any issues with his breathing to take him into the hospital for an x-ray.

As it wasn't a "must be there now" emergency, we drove down to Howard County General Hospital, where he was born. The two doctors there examined him and declared nothing was wrong, but that we should do some saline drops in his nose and suction them out. I guess it's welcome to parenthood for us. He now weighs 6 lbs, 13 oz - woo hoo. Well on our way to being able to use our carrier (8 lbs).

Kieran will not sleep by himself right now - at least not for very long (usually) - so Ken and I are on "zone defense" where I try to sleep from 10 pm to 3 am and Ken sleeps from 3 am to 8 am when I generally wake him and go back to sleep for another hour or so.

Other than that we're adjusting fine to having a baby in the house - it is still VERY strange and seems unreal, but I guess that will go away at some point (at least by the time he's 18).

I guess nothing else to tell really, days are pretty boring - Kieran eats, sleeps and then pees/poops while I feed him, watch him sleep while I hold him, and change his diaper. Ken does the same since we're bottle and breast feeding. I think it's been a godsend the fact that Ken is here all day as well - I think I would go nuts doing all this by myself. My family has been a HUGE help - coming to help us take care of Ochi on nights when it would be difficult for Ken to come back home and do that, as well as help us run errands and just hang out.

We'll be having a naming ceremony on March 18th. This is a jewish ceremony - similar to a baptism. We'll do an e-vite and a direct mail invite too - if you don't get an invite, let me know and I'll get one to ya.